Sheldon's Page

Welcome to my humble photo album.
Below are a few pictures of the people that make up my family. I hope you enjoy my photos!


This is me, at 2am in front of my work!
This is a video capture using a Sony camcorder and Snappy (taken in 1995, I have better toys now!).

This is Elizabeth, my wonderful wife.
We married on September 11, 1993.

Avery's page is here

Stuart's page is here

The view from the roof of my house and the WeatherCam.

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Sheldon's sisters, Ellen, Beth & Rena

And this is Maxwell Edison (Max), a rare Red Throated Conure.Click on this image to see a live picture of Max in his cage!!!

This is Zerox, Sheldon's 16lb cat.

This is Port Angeles from the auto ferry MV Coho. The Rayonier mill is no longer there.

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All photography ©1997-2003 Sheldon Koehler unless otherwise noted.

Page last updated 9/9/2000